4924 Highway 6Houston, TX 77084
26947 Spring Creek DrSpring, TX 77380
9740 Barker Cypress Rd 101 Cypress, TX 77433
24403 Aldine Westfield RdSpring, TX 77373
15030 West RdHouston, TX 77095
18310 Fm 529 RdCypress, TX 77433
3730 2920 Fm 110Spring, TX 77388
612 Canino RdHouston, TX 77076
830 S Mason Rd A3Katy, TX 77450
6455 N Fry Rd 105Katy, TX 77449
617 S Main StHighlands, TX 77562
20120 Kuykendahl RdSpring, TX 77379
7819 E Fm 1960Humble, TX 77346
13720 Schroeder RdHouston, TX 77070
22732 Cypresswood DrSpring, TX 77373
If you would like for your veterinarian to offer pet licenses through their office, please email petlicense@phs.hctx.net and let us know!
We are located on Canino Road between I-45 and the Hardy Toll Road.